About CSCE
CSCE will bring together the Laboratory for Applied Spatial Analysis, the Center for Predictive Analytics, and other SIUE research centers that can help address research needs, as well as workforce and economic development needs in Metro-East Illinois and the greater St. Louis region. CSCE will leverage SIUE’s existing and future research centers to address the needs of regional partners in the area of sustainability, including food, energy and water as part of the strong plant/life sciences sector in the region.
Additionally, SIUE will leverage the tools and capabilities of the Laboratory for Applied Spatial Analysis (LASA) and the Center for Predictive Analytics (CPAN) to contribute to the research and workforce development needs of the emerging geospatial science and advanced analytics industry and its affiliates. SIUE’s location also provides an ideal opportunity to grow expertise and support workforce needs in cybersecurity and forensic sciences.
Central to this proposal’s goal of converting discovery into economic opportunity, CSCE will also house the Metropolitan Accelerator Research Square (MARS), a business and engineering accelerator to facilitate technology transfer and capture a greater share of the burgeoning St. Louis startup economy for Illinois. The CSCE will support this along with development of new partnerships with regional leaders; programs for education, research, and the workforce; and the expansion of research capacity to address critical issues and develop workforce infrastructure.